As long as you have this handheld Military Cell Phone Jammer Bing Images , you can not only have a peaceful environment, away from the noise of mobile phone calls, and you will not be shielded when you think about it. Therefore, you can also use this handheld cell phone jammer to prevent cell phone signal tracking devices from tracking. Therefore, you can also use it to block WiFi2.4G to ensure the security of your network and ensure that other people will not use it. In many other areas and places, this handheld cell phone jammer can be used, as well as other types of portable cell phone signal jammers. cell phone jammer Anyone who wants to use frequency in Germany needs to be allocated. # Will send out radio waves to interfere with reception. According to the Telecommunications Law, allocation is therefore required. Therefore: it is forbidden to buy cell phone jammers. You can make a cell phone jammer, but you can't use it. If you still want to use a cell phone jammer, you must contact the Federal Network Agency. If unreported equipment is found, it will be confiscated and even imposed a fine of 1,000 euros.

There is a radio monitor that can help you get the Military Cell Phone Jammer Bing Images electromagnetic wave signals in those frequency bands that you don’t care about. Before the start of the test, the signal strength generated by various legal radio wave devices such as mobile phones, radios, and TVs around the test room are recorded in the test room. After the test starts, in the car, suitcase, and office radio monitors. Start all together, you can receive all the signals in the entire radio wave frequency band, when the cheating tool starts to send answers to the examination room,