However, Germany does not allow the use of interfering devices-the Federal Network Agency, which oversees the German telephone market, refused to approve it. "A mobile phone jammer is a jamming transmitter," the authorities said: "According to the German Telecommunications Act, such a device can neither obtain a frequency allocation nor a device license." In fact, Cell Phone Jammer For Sale Australia device may have a negative impact. In addition to the necessary transmission power and related radiation, cell phone jammers are also designed to completely disrupt nearby mobile networks. For example, if a movie theater, theater, or church needs technical assistance to achieve the required quietness, the doctor on call in the room will no longer be reachable by mobile phone. cell phone jammer

Today's cell phone signals exist in many places. All electrical equipment is surrounded by them. When not using the mobile phone, the impact of other electrical equipment is minimized. If you do not have a mobile phone, there is no data communication between your mobile phone and the base station. It will not change the sudden signal. It is a relatively stable electromagnetic field. This static electricity hardly interferes with electronic equipment. When the mobile phone is in use, there is data communication between the mobile phone and the base station, and a sudden change signal occurs, forming a dynamic electromagnetic field. Such dynamic electromagnetic signals can affect the failure of electrical equipment. This is the meaning of applying mobile Cell Phone Jammer For Sale Australia in gas stations.