Through "car jammer" the vehicle of the more serious property damage cases. Through the analysis of the measured the tens of thousands of yuan to hundreds of thousands of yuan, hundreds of millions of yuan models have failed to escape the clutches of jammer. Is this "jammer" so much? "Car jammer" how to work? How can we prevent? Therefore, sohu cars, transport channel to introduce this kind of working principle of the jammer, and introduce how to prevent car due to "auto remote jammer" property stolen.
"If you want to know" car remote signal jammers works, we need to know the principle of car remote control.
"Car remote control jammer is mainly composed of remote wireless transmitters, wireless receiver, and the host and all kinds of sensors, when the host receives the remote control signal, it shows the contents of the decoding, and operated by the host control system of vehicle. Host and remote control the can communication, the first is they are of the same frequency. As we listen to the radio, to adjust the channel to receive the corresponding program.
As a result of the radio frequency resources are limited, and strictly control by country, so assigned to "auto remote control and guard against theft system" frequency fixed between 314-315 MHZ and 433-434 MHZ, but two frequencies can not be used, otherwise it is violated the relevant laws and regulations. "This gives" car jammers left a chink in the wall.
Next time you come back to your car and find it unlocked it might not be because you forgot to lock it – a thief sitting nearby might have actually stopped you locking your car without you knowing.
For years science fiction has depicted criminals, governments and security forces being able to block signals with radio jammers. Car jammer easy to stop people being able to use their remote central locking car keys.
These keys use radio waves to communicate with a receiver inside the car. The key sends a signal to the car with a unique identifier and a command to either lock or unlock the car. But the wireless communication, like any other radio usage, can be jammed.
A device can be used to flood the radio spectrum used by the keys with interference, which stops the low-Power system of the remote car keys from working.
Many cars that use radio keys no longer have separate key locks for manual operation, so the jammer can stop a driver from either locking or unlocking their car using their key.
As long as the owner doesn’t realise what’s going on, car thieves then have potentially a field of open cars to plunder.
More and more cars rely on wireless technology for security and operation. A popular feature called keyless entry, which simply requires the presence of a key near to or within a car to keep it unlocked and operational relies on a constant wireless signal that could be jammed.
For those worried about jammers, the vehicle jammers is make sure your car is locked before walking away. Watch for the flash of lights and sounds that indicate the car has successfully locked all doors. Manually check that the door is locked and do not leave valuables in view inside the car, Those concerned that a jammer is being used within range of their car can also report the incident to the police and are advised not to leave their vehicle unattended.